Sports Business Journal

SBJ is a national, weekly magazine featuring award-winning original reporting, with in-depth profiles, timely research and expert opinions on the biggest issues and stories in sports business. My first assignment with SBJ was to create a completely revamped website with regard to new architecture, updated UI and a cohesive design system. A year later, we circled back around to create and app. The bones of the app mirror the online experience but with the benefit of instant alerts and notifications for sports content initiated by the user.

The App

The first initiative for the app was to focus on IOS users. There were a few iterations of the system tray and which two icons should be anchored to the top. Ultimately, since we decided to make Topics the core of the app, it made sense to keep it in the center. Also new to SBJ was SBJTV which gives sports fans a YouTube like experience with channels dedicated to specific content. Push notifications settings can be easily accessed in the top right to adjust frequency of topic news.


Upon downloading the app and opening for the first time, users are taken through a quick, 3-step process to sign up and select initial content to add to their feed.


01. Splash

02. User Select

03. Create Account

04. Create Account (input)

05. Feed Options

06. Subscription Options

07. Subscribe



01. Push Notifications

02. Topics

03. More

04. Filter Topics

Main Screens


01. Front Page: Daily Edition


05. Events

02. Front Page: Weekly Edition


06. Search



07. Settings

04. My Topics


08. Settings: Push Notifications

