Sports Business Journal

SBJ is a national, weekly magazine featuring award-winning original reporting, with in-depth profiles, timely research and expert opinions on the biggest issues and stories in sports business. This was my first assignment with SBJ which was later followed by a mobile app. The editorial-based site was completely re-architected and rebranded with regard to its online visual language. The core of the site is based on a Daily and Weekly edition which share the same experience but driven by different content. Soon after the new site launched, we quickly followed up with a video segment called SBJTV.  


The homepage design was aligned more closely to how a use might view a global news site such as CNN or the New York Times. Featured articles are pinned to the top with relevant imagery. Each article headline is accompanied by a quick link to the category page.

Secondary interests such as Podcasts and SBJTV (video content) are easily seen along the right rail on the site. The sticky navigation along the top was greatly simplified and allows users to quickly toggle between other editions.

Article Page

Article pages feature content both, with and without a hero image, quick links to share and access to other articles, categories and new product features such as Podcasts and SBJTV.


Mega Menu

Mega Menu: Expanded




SBJTV is a new video product offered by SBJ. It features a YouTube-like experience including channels, categories, and topics.

SBJTV - Channel

Users that select a specific Channel are taken to a channel specific content.

The Design Language







Muscle Shoals Music Association