Thermo Fisher

Thermo Fisher is the leader in the science industry. They offer services and products that help customers around the globe in laboratories and clinics, on production lines and out in the field. With the onset of COVID, their corporate website gained unexpected levels of traffic. While this is typically a good thing, they quickly became aware of how long-dated the content and user experience was on the site. I was invited to join the team where I took lead on visual design with the request of “pushing” their design system to a new level. The results are an easy to navigate, content-rich website with a clean, modern feel. 


The homepage was architected to showcase top-level content to reinforce the navigation. Having a news feed from several different channels including social media were a big plus for this site.


Video Intro

With Thermo Fisher being involved in so many areas, we opted to feature a video in the hero of the homepage to display a breadth of their involvement. The video would slowly play in the background with a text overlay. The hexagon shapes were part of the new design system I introduced site-wide.


Mega Menu

Mobile Screens






News feeds were brought in via multiple sources. With the density of both the newsroom and CSR sections, a left-hand navigation was introduced which expanded to reveal sub-sections within. This also helped wayfinding within the parent sections.


Thermo FIsher is big on Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainability and it was a big part of this new experience. To break up the content, we were able to use videos as part of the design to help break up text-heavy subject matter.


JBL Master Class

